Homemade Almond Milk: Tastes Great and It’s Oh, So Simple!

Homemade Almond Milk: Tastes Great and It’s Oh, So Simple!   Almond milk has pushed its way near the front of the line with today’s more conscientious shoppers. Aside from being a plus for those with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance, and anyone looking to shave off excess calories (unsweetened almond milk is only about [...]

Homemade Almond Milk: Tastes Great and It’s Oh, So Simple!2018-06-04T02:29:49+00:00

Chiropractic’s Positive Impact on Allergies/Wellness: Q&A with Dr. Ashley Waggoner-Jones

Chiropractic’s Positive Impact on Allergies/Wellness: Q&A with Dr. Ashley Waggoner-Jones By Julie E. Williamson A brief note from me, Julie Williamson: I’m no stranger to chiropractic care. In fact, my foray into the world of chiropractic began when I was just four years old (as a result of my at least once-a-week migraines [...]

Chiropractic’s Positive Impact on Allergies/Wellness: Q&A with Dr. Ashley Waggoner-Jones2018-07-15T23:00:52+00:00